Certificate in Sanctions Compliance

Attention, cette formation n'est pas finançable par les fonds publics

Why ARGC’s Sanctions Compliance Certification?



Includes 1 year FREE AGRC membership 


Online examination and certification


AGRC qualifications are internationally recognised


Real-life case studies, interactive and self-paced

Here are the main benefits delivered by AGRC’s certificate in Sanctions Compliance: :  

  • Comprehensive knowledge of sanctions and an opportunity to explore the recent global trends in economic sanctioning, while tracing the roles of the relevant actors within this complex framework.
  • Via the use of multiple case studies, a solid and practical understanding of the motives and rationale behind sanctions decisions, the resulting effects and the consequences experienced not only by the targeted parties but also those doing business with them, either directly or indirectly.
  • The necessary tools and information to hone your skills as an AML and Compliance professional working for a bank, investment company or fund, financial services provider or law firm.
  • Two chances to pass our certificate’s 40-question multiple choice exam.
  • Access to a comprehensive and in-depth study handbook that will help you ace our exam.
  • Free one-year membership to AGRC, where you can exchange knowledge and share experiences with GRC professionals worldwide.
  • Use of the AGRC’s professional designation as a GRC professional.

Expected Learning Outcomes (Les objectives)

Here’s what you can expect to achieve following the completion of this Certificate:

  • Understand sanctions and the importance of compliance
  • Understand why it’s important to comply
  • Define a sanctions compliance programme and governance framework
  • Define sanctions lists and screening
  • Manage alert investigations
  • Understand the risk and cost of getting it wrong
  • Determine how much your institution is vulnerable to sanctions risks
  • Apply modern methodologies that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your programme
  • Protect your institution from dealing with embargoed individuals or entities
  • Understand the best practices for sanctions compliance controls
  • And plenty more!


Target Audience (Public concerné)

AGRC’s Sanctions Compliance Certificate has been designed for:

  • Financial crime and regulatory compliance professionals
  • Professionals working within the sanctions environment who wish to certify their knowledge
  • Operational staff who need to understand the importance of sanctions compliance when dealing with customers and/or transactions
  • Regulators
  • Consultants
  • AML, compliance, and risk professionals
  • Anyone working in financial services interested in having a better understanding of how sanctions work.

Prerequisites (Pré-requis)

  • B2 English level

How to access (Modalités d’accès)

Customers wishing to subscribe to the training course make the request directly online at the top of the page.

Access time (Délai d’accès)

Within 24 hours of registration, you will receive the training kit.

Accessibility for disabled people (Accessibilité aux personnes en situation de handicap)

Please send an e-mail to handicap@learneo.fr

Teaching methods and resources (Méthodes et Moyens pédagogiques)

This course combines theory, demonstrations, interactive discussions and practical exercises. A course handout is given to each participant.

Assessment method (Mode d’évaluation des acquis)

Examination at the end of the course to obtain certification.


The Sanctions Compliance Certificate’s Curriculum (Contenu du cours) 

AGRC’s Sanctions Compliance Certificate covers the following specific topics:

  • Definition of sanctions
  • Institutional framework and legal basis
  • The international framework
  • Multilateral sanctions
  • Unilateral sanctions and key sovereign states
  • Categories of restrictive measures
  • Administration of sanctions
  • Key recent legal developments
  • Managing and mitigating sanctions risk
  • Sanctions compliance programmes
  • Processes and systems
  • Sanctions screening and evasion
  • Due diligence, ownership, and control

A propos de Learneo

Notre mission consiste à développer votre expertise professionnelle et vous assister dans l’évolution de votre carrière en vous proposant des formations technologiques certifiantes de renommée mondiale. En savoir plus


Learneo et Learneo Académie sont accrédités Qualiopi. Cette certification a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie Actions de Formation.


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+33 (0) 1 53 20 37 00


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